Keroncong Music Group + Female Singer.
Keroncong have been introduced into the Indonesian archipelago by the Portuguese sailors and officers in the 16th century. The earliest form of keroncong is called Moresco, which is characterized by the dominant use of chordophonic-percussion musical instruments. In its development, various local musical instruments, such as some gamelan instruments, seruling bambu (Javanese and Sundanese bamboo flutes), and musical notes, were introduced into the ensemble, thus giving it a distinctively local flavor.
Keroncong is now considered old-fashioned folk music by most Indonesian youth, although efforts have been made since the 1960s to modernise the genre by adding electric guitars, keyboards and drums, notably in so-called Pop Keroncong sung by Hetty Koes Endang. The melancholic spirit of traditional, accoustic Keroncong (similar to Portuguese Fado music) has been recorded by Samuel Quiko and the members of his Jakartan Krontjong Tugu Orchestra, who have performed at the well-known Indonesian festival "Pasar Malam Besar" in The Hague. Considered a Eurasian art form Keroncong features prominently each year at the "Tong Tong Fair". The genre is also being evolved in new directions by Indonesian artists in the Netherlands.
Female Singers Keroncong Group
In the era of Modern Keroncong (1960-2000), there are several popular names such as:
- Javanese Genre: The gamelan influenced to keroncong music, including the Javanese Modal Tunes that already exist in these areas. The characteristic of Javanese Music are Javanese Modal Tune (Pelog or Slendro Pentatonic Mode); the use of so called siter (a string instrument plucked like lying harp); kendang (Javanese drum) which was played by plucked cello; kempul (a metal instrument like gong but lying position); metal and wood marimbas; gongs, and the style of Javanese Singers.
- Keroncong Beat: Rudy Pirngadie and his goup at Jakarta (Yayasan Tetap Segar / Foundation) in 1959 promoted Keronchong Beat for accompanying various songs, local or foreign music, and in 1964, he joined the New York World's Fair USA for introducing keronchong music to global audiences. Idris Sardi (Indonesian Violin Virtous) presented a hit pop song entitle I left my heart in San Francisco with keronchong beat, but he fined by the US Music Authority, due the violent to US Copyright.
- Campur Sari: An area so called Gunung Kidul (at Yogyakarta) in 1968, a local musician named Manthous introduced Campur Sari, a collaboration of gamelan music and keroncong. Now it have been developed in vicinity around Solo.
- Keronchong Koes-Plus: Koes Plus, a famous rock pop musician origin from Solo that introduced keroncong music in rock style (1974). The Group produced albums in keroncong style music, one of the song is entitled Keroncong Pertemuan.
Nowadays, keroncong still has its valuable place in the world of music entertainment performed in front of audience or even in the television or radio. But, unfortunately, the young people of Indonesia not so interested to join Keroncong Group Music, or even play it. And I think, keroncong, is one of Indonesian culture in Music that all Indonesian people either old or young, have to support!
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